
Showing posts from September, 2017

Thoughts on Forbes' Article Involving Localized Digital Marketing

Forbes covers a variety of subjects; mostly surrounding business topics. I think they do this quite well often find myself reading their articles. I was looking for an article to do an assignment for my marketing class and stumbled across this article. Gabriel Shaoolian, a contributor on Forbes, wrote an interesting article on marketing called " Localized Digital Marketing: How Brands LikeAirbnb And WeWork Are Leading The Way ". This article talks on how small business can't do exactly what the "big brands" do but if they follow similar steps they can get great results. The writer Gabriel Shaoolian list four seemingly easy steps for small businesses to follow to improve their reach in their area. First, Shaoolian says that small local businesses have the upper hand on creating content because it is easier for them to keep it specific to the area. This is a great advantage because it is very hard for big companies to cater to the local need whether it be ba

Who am I?

Hey, I am Christian Bonson. I am taking BA 223, principles of marketing, because I am a business major that has some self-interest in social media and internet marketing. I have an interest in a variate of activities; I love football, music and video games and try to keep up with all of them the best that I can. Though I no longer play football I plan to go to tryouts; once I transfer to Oregon State University. I have played football since I was a toddler and with an organization since the 5th grade, until my senior year of high school. I have played every position on the field, except for kicker and quarterback. My freshman year of I started as an offensive and defensive lineman and senior year I ended as a linebacker. I can't wait until I suit up for a game.