Thoughts on Forbes' Article Involving Localized Digital Marketing

Forbes covers a variety of subjects; mostly surrounding business topics. I think they do this quite well often find myself reading their articles. I was looking for an article to do an assignment for my marketing class and stumbled across this article. Gabriel Shaoolian, a contributor on Forbes, wrote an interesting article on marketing called "Localized Digital Marketing: How Brands LikeAirbnb And WeWork Are Leading The Way". This article talks on how small business can't do exactly what the "big brands" do but if they follow similar steps they can get great results.

The writer Gabriel Shaoolian list four seemingly easy steps for small businesses to follow to improve their reach in their area. First, Shaoolian says that small local businesses have the upper hand on creating content because it is easier for them to keep it specific to the area. This is a great advantage because it is very hard for big companies to cater to the local need whether it be basic knowledge of laws, geography and understanding localized issues and want. He also goes along to mention that new, quality content can help attract links mentions and/or shares.

I learned many different small but important things in this article. I had never really thought about small businesses partnering up with other small businesses focusing on a niche. I didn’t know how specific of targeting you can do when it comes to social media marketing. You can get down to the specific people that live in the are or are visiting. Knowing the area you are in and the people around you can really help you figure out ways to reach them, where as, it is very hard for big companies to feel as personal.

Part of Forbes value propositions is being on the front line of information involving popular topics as well business. Often whenever you here new information on important and/or interesting topics I bet Forbes has covered it or that is what you are reading.


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