What is Google doing?!

Everybody knows about the company Google because they are the biggest search engine, they are the ones that handle Andriod, and they bring in the most money out of any company in ad revenue. It seems as though their hardware might be slightly lackluster though, with their Google Home coming in late to the game and jumping into the cell phone market when there is little profit to be made unless you have a competitive price which Google does not. Don't get me wrong, Google is a great company that some of the best software out there but something seems off about their hardware.

 Let's start by dissecting the company. to help understand why they might be doing this. The idea of Google started at Standford University in 1995. It was started as a World Wide Web search engines called Backrub. Google wasn't actually founded until 1998 when Andy Bechtolsheim, co-founder of Sun, wrote a $100,00 check to help get it off the ground. Now, Google is a monster of a company being the top used search engine, YouTube, Sandbox, and Android.

Google just recently started getting into the hardware business starting first by working with Motorola but now has a variety of new products. Many people probably heard about the Google home, which is supposed to compete with Amazon Alexa. I think they are coming a little later than they should have and if you think about it it is kind of pointless. I say this because Google assistant is already on most phones, except for iPhone and if someone owns an iPhone I see it highly unlikely that they would buy a Google Home. I don't think the Google home is a bad product I just think that there isn't a big need to have it when you can get an Amazon Alexa and order stuff just by voice.

The Google Pixel phone lineup that is starting. The first Pixel phone was actually a pretty good phone being stock Android is one of the things that Google fan really wanted. It only had one thing that stuck out among the crowd though and that was the camera. The Pixel had the best-rated camera at the time but the issue with that is that it is very hard to tell a difference in camera quality among most flagship phone because they are all very impressive. I really loved the way that they called out Apple for taking off the headphone jack it was something Android user needed to hear and what many iPhone user wanted to say.

Image result for pixel 2 crackThen came the Pixel 2 and enthusiast were very excited but they seem to miss something. They seemed to be listening to the people; forward shooting speakers, a smaller glass back, thinner bezzles and a headphone jack.... wait what?! No headphone jack! Didn't they just got done bashing iPhone for this not even a generation ago? Fine, maybe they gave us something useful in exchange for that. Hey look I can launch Google assistant by squeezing my phone yay! This isn't very useful since we could already use our voice or just hold down the home button for Google assistant but hey you will remember it is there every time you accidentally squeeze your phone. People seemed to really love the software on the phone but the implementation of the hardware seemed to be the last thing on their mind. Not only does the back feel like plastic and scratches like plastic Google doesn't say it is plastic but they also can't consistently say what it is.

Then there is the Day Dream which is hyped up as a VR headset but is really just a pretty and more comfortable Google Cardboard. I am sorry but I rather save my money and not by the Pixel or the Dream Cast and go on a great vacation or buy a real VR system like Oculus or the HTC Vive and experience real VR.

It seems to me that Google is used to releasing betas for their software, where they can easily get feedback on an update almost immediately. They don't seem to realize this and put out really expensive beta hardware to try to stay up there with Amazon, Apple, and Samsung. This is the thing though it seems as though they aren't doing this for their fans and definitely not for the profit. But if that is true what are they doing. Other people and my self-think they maybe they are just trying to get more access to us so they can get more information about target advertising and even more terrifyingly maybe their AI systems. Whatever their plan I recommend they spend more time on their hardware and have people test them without a biased opinion.

 I personally love Google and this is not intended to hurt Google's image or deter people from Google it is simply meant to educate buyers and maybe even Google itself.


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